
This Simple Movement

Our Choices, Big Consequences


I agree, it is well past the time to Fix Things.

I want a Slower, a Simpler life with less individual Isolation, less Crime, less Corruption and Violence.

A world free from Wars, Conflicts, and Organized Crime.

Where we can repair our badly damaged Environment, substantially reduce our Pollution, our Greenhouse Gases, and the Poisons that infest and infect our Water, our Soil, and our Atmosphere.

I/We want to live in a Community that respects the Rights of all Citizens, and where it’s members participate fully in decision-making.

A Small, ‘ground-level’ Community where my Family can enjoy friends and neighbours in a Safe, Secure, and Peaceful manner, close to, and in harmony with Nature.


We have published the First Version of Our New Paradigm, what we believe is a Better way to Reorganize ourselves. Please, when you have a few minutes, read this over and send us your thoughts.

It is our belief that this New Paradigm, A New Social Organization (ANSO), will produce Change, rather than following our “Do Nothing” strategy and behaviour over the past 50 years. A Change that will Fix and completely eliminate the EIGHT World Issues we face today while offering us pleasant and unexpected Benefits, at the same time.


I Support This Simple Movement, and will help in any way I can.

Please Follow(below), that Helps! 


One Million to Begin

If you were thinking dollars ($$$$$$) you would be wrong.

This story is all about Subscribers, or Likes, or Followers, Members of a group, or perhaps even Volunteers…eventually.

I think of these people as the Pioneers, the early adopters, the activists in today’s lingo.

They are the avant-garde, the panzer divisions, those members of Society that always seem to be on the leading edge – like in fashion, technology or perhaps following new trends or customs in other areas.

Why the number one million?

That’s easy, I/we are really looking for some Help on our Project. Certainly not a million Volunteers, but we hope that perhaps 10% of the people that stop by, who find links to our Sites and wish to Help, will connect with us here.

So we really need about 100,000 volunteers to Begin.

Now I am sure many questions are running through your mind at this point:

  • What is this project?
  • Why do they need a hundred thousand Volunteers?
  • Why don’t they just Crowd-Source for Financial Support and then simply pay some workers to do the job?
  • Who are these people and what are they trying to do?

Let us try to answer these questions with a riddle, a quandary of sorts, a dilemma or a puzzle. You see, we have been working on a subset of the Main Issue for the past several years. However, hard work does not always result in a solution, but that, often, may only be seen in hindsight.

You see, I/we set ourselves a goal to attempt to completely Eliminate Poverty on this planet by 2030 (Scan down to see the active Clock today and see the Years until Poverty Gone) but as you can see from the Clock, time has elapsed but just some small Progress was made due to several major problems that surfaced:

  • Funding
  • Promotion
  • Recruiting Help
  • and Attitude

Let’s discuss the last one – Attitude first.

Our world today is a very stressful, demanding, fast-paced environment, where so many people work long hours, often both husband and wife must work to support the Family, and at the end of the work week, if they even have a job, each just wants to crash in front of the TV or perhaps party with friends if they are in the younger age groups.

No time to help others, just catch up with their friends on Facebook, check the latest Twitter trends and prepare to start all over again as the next week begins.

This Attitude, this malaise is prevalent in all countries, not just in the developed Nations.

This Attitude, plus the way we make decisions – electing our representatives, or letting powerful leaders make our decisions for us, this altogether is why we, Humanity, all of us have used one and only one strategy for making World Decisions – “Do Nothing” and hope for the Best.

Scientists and engineers have Warned us as early as 1969 of the Issues facing us all, but we continue to follow Plan A (“Do Nothing”).

But of course we were/are all very busy. The Rich are busy making more money, more Profit. The Poor, just trying to Survive, and the Inbetweens (The Not Rich, the Not Poor) are similarly trying Survive and maybe even striving to join those at the top – the wealthy elites, if they can

And so, most did not find our Sites, our causes, most did not stop by and Volunteer, most did not have the time, motivation or even interest in those less fortunate.

But after two years ago, Poverty was Superseded by another Major World Issue, as we all continued on our Plan A, the “Do Nothing” strategy; and that was Global Warming (Climate Change).

So, at that point we turned our attention to that cause.

Within a short time we researched and created The Tree Planting Project (TTPP), a Natural, a Simple way to reduce the Atmospheric CO2 to Zero in 14 years, well ahead of the IPCC suggested time frame.

We now you need many people who are interested in mitigating this disaster so we can leave a Legacy from this generation of actually “Doing Something” that’s Plan B.

Oh, and by the way, we also have a Simple and Sustainable solution for each of the Eight Major World Issues including Global Warming and Poverty.

But we need Volunteers:

  • To help with our Funding program
  • To help with Promotion
  • To help recruit others
  • and to help Fix the Planet before its too late.

Please Volunteer or just Share or recommend this page/post to your friends and acquaintances, we only have one Home, and as Buckminster Fuller described in his book “Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth”, we are all passengers on our spaceship Earth, are all on a journey together through space, and our Destiny awaits, provided we make the right decisions along the way.


Movements need Members

New Followers

A Movement like “This Simple Movement” needs members, lots and lots of members.

Once we have 2 million Followers (or members) we will be able to progress to the Next Stage.

So please just Follow this Movement, assuming you agree that we need to Fix Things.

There is a Follow this Blog Button at the side and another Follow option at the bottom of the Page.

Then watch as the number of Followers grows, and remember to ask your friends to visit and Follow too!

It’s that Simple.